JULY 23rd, 2013
Dear Mr. Ellison,
Honda North American Cost Planning (NACP) has selected JBE Inc. as the supplier for the following parts
on the current Honda Pilot
7974B-SZA-AOOOC1 (Rear Water Pipe Sub Assembly)
Honda’s expectation of all mass production suppliers is the successful completion of the following
Fully execute Honda agreements
Meet all schedules for mass production delivery
Meet all specit’lcation and quality standards. (R&D and Plant Departments)
Achieve cost targets spec at each cost event and eliminate gap areas Where specified by Honda
Purchasing, for both piece price and investment.
5. Maintain base cost condition for both piece price and investment
Failure to comply with any of the above requirements could result in the loss of business.
This letter authorizes you to do the necessary investigation to determine the requirements to meet the
transfer schedule provided by HMA. Upon receipt of this letter:
1. Please proceed with tool house and sub-supplier selection
2. Investigate tooling and part material sourcing
3. Provide a detailed part schedule and Tooling Summary Sheet (TSS) to your Plant contacts if
Associates from various departments of Honda will contact you to discuss project requirements. Please
provide these departments with the support and cooperation necessary to ensure we meet our quality,
schedule and budget goals.
Thank you in advance for your time and efforts that will be necessary to transfer this model successfullyv
Please contact your Honda NACP representative with any questions you may have.
David Chapman
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