JBE Incorporated

3 Critical Business Goals for your New Year

As another new year breaks in and we all start looking ahead and setting goals, I find that a moment of reflection is good. It’s good to look back at any learning moments you experienced and add them to your base of knowledge. Was there an issue or situation you need to make sure to not repeat, or some win that you want more of?

After that, it’s time to set your sights on what you want to accomplish this year and build your roadmap as to how to get there. For that I offer the following list of things to help get you focused.


Get up-to-date on (and start using!) new technologies that can help me connect with customers and work more effectively. Alternatively, how could you improve your financial acumen as to better evaluate marketing investments and results? Look to find ways to understand the trends that will affect and change your industry in the years ahead.


Is there a new or different group you can join or support this year that will grow your circle? Maybe there is a group just outside of your current sphere that could enhance your network. Give thought to how you can raise your profile in your industry or community by volunteering with a cause or group you could be passionate about.


Truly understand the wants and needs of your customers – devote time to better research, and talk with your current customers. Make time to reconnect with your best customers – don’t take them for granted.  What are their goals for the new year, and how can you assist them to reach them? Your customers are your best advocates and potential referral sources to others working in their company or industry, maybe in another division or location, or maybe someone they used to work with in another company.

I am setting these goals for myself by committing to a new networking group and adding to the places I volunteer my time. I also plan on taking a refresher course on LEAN and adding a new app for keeping the important things prioritized. The biggest goal for me this year is to catch up with all of my customers this month and schedule some time to discuss our current business and how we can grow it to their benefit.